Juniata Valley NB, Mifflintown, PA (Charter 5147)

Juniata Valley NB, Mifflintown, PA (Chartered 1898 - Open past 1935)
Town History
Mifflintown is a borough in Juniata County, Pennsylvania. The population was 936 at the 2010 census. The first boroughs in the area to be settled were Mifflintown and Thompsontown, which were settled in 1790. Mifflin County was created on September 19, 1789, from parts of Cumberland County and Northumberland County. It was named for Thomas Mifflin, the first Governor of Pennsylvania. Juniata County was created on March 2, 1831, from part of Mifflin County and named for the Juniata River. Thus, Mifflintown is now the county seat of Juniata County.
The Pennsylvania Canal began serving the Juniata Valley area in 1826 and closed around 1900. The Juniata River flows northeast through the lower part of the county, exiting northeastward into Juniata County near Hawstone. The Pennsylvania Railroad reached Mifflintown in the late 1840s, and having bought the Pennsylvania Canal from the Commonwealth, it slowly replaced the canal with their faster transportation mode. Mifflintown serves as the corporate headquarters of both The Juniata Valley Bank and Pennian Bank. Empire Kosher Poultry, the nation's largest producer of kosher poultry, has both its headquarters and processing facility in adjoining Fermanagh Township.
Mifflintown had two National Banks chartered during the Bank Note Era, and both of those banks issued National Bank Notes.
Bank History
- Organized August 16, 1898
- Chartered October 19, 1898
- Succeeded Juniata Valley Bank
- Bank was Open past 1935
- For Bank History after 1935 see FDIC Bank History website
- Converted to a State bank September 21, 1978
- Changed bank name to The Juniata Valley Bank September 21, 1978
- Still in business as The Juniata Valley Bank (September 2022)
In Harrisburg, January 1861, the first bank charter of the session was presented by the Chairman of the Bank Committee. Hon. Andrew Parker, Wm. W. Wilson, Jacob Salonff, John Balsboch, Robert C. Parker, Jonas M. Hailey, Jas. M. Sellers, Solomon Books and Jno. P. Wharton were authorized Commissioners to open books and receive subscriptions for the Juniata Valley Bank, at Mifflintown, with a capital of $50,000, in shares of $50 each, with power to increase the same to $200,000, and subject to the provisions of the act regulating banks, approved April 10th, 1830.
In August 1867, an advertisement appears for The Juniata Valley Bank and the financial firm of Pomeroy, Patterson, Jacobs, & Co. Judge Joseph Pomeroy was the first president and F.S. Jacobs, cashier. The directors were Joseph Pomeroy, Jerome N. Thompson, John J. Patterson, George Jacobs, and John Balsbach. The following year a branch office was opened in Port Royal, then called Perrysville. This branch eventually became an independent bank, The Port Royal Bank, under Judge Pomeroy's nephew, William C. Pomeroy, a Tuscarora Academy graduate. In 1890, a new banking house was built by The Port Royal Bank.
In January 1880, the officers of the Juniata Valley Bank were J. Nevin Pomeroy, president and T. Van Irwin, cashier. The directors were J. Nevin Pomeroy, W.C. Pomeroy, George Jacobs, Amos G. Bonsall, Joseph Rothrock, Philip M. Kepner, and Louis E. Atkinson.
In January 1891, the officers of the Juniata Valley Bank were Joseph Rothrock, president and T. Van Irwin, cashier. The directors were W.C. Pomeroy, John Hertzler, Robert E. Parker, T.V. Irwin, Joseph Rothrock, Philip M. Kepner, Louis E. Atkinson.
In March 1898, Joseph Rothrock was president and T. Van Irwin, cashier. The directors were W.C. Pomeroy, John Hertzler, Robert E. Parker, T.V. Irwin, Joseph Rothrock, Josiah L. Barton and Louis E. Atkinson. Mr. Rothrock notified the board that he would resign in August due to failing health. Louis E. Atkinson was elected president and H.J. Shellenberger was elected director to full the vacancy.
On October 19, 1898, Lawrence O. Murray, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, authorized the Juniata Valley National Bank of Mifflintown to commence the business of banking.
In January 1899, the officers were Louis E. Atkinson, president and T.V. Irwin, cashier. The directors were Louis E. Atkinson, John Hertzler, H.J. Shellenberger, W.C. Pomeroy, J.L. Barton, R.E. Parker, and T. Van Irwin. The banks capital was $60,000.
On September 21, 1978, changed chartering agency to state under the new name of The Juniata Valley Bank
Mergers (a partial list)
- First National Bank of Millerstown (Charter 7156) (1904-1962) (Merged into Juniata Valley National Bank of Mifflintown in March 1962)
- First National Bank of Port Royal (Charter 11369) (1919-1965) (Merged into Juniata Valley National Bank in Mifflintown Feb. 18, 1965)
- Port Royal National Bank (Charter 11373) (1919-1965) (Merged into Juniata Valley National Bank in Mifflintown Feb. 18, 1965)
- Farmers National Bank of McAlisterville (Charter 9526) (1909-1965) (Merged into Juniata Valley National Bank in Mifflintown Feb. 18, 1965)
- The Lewistown Trust Company, Acquired July 1, 1998.
- The First National Bank of Port Allegany, Acquired December 1, 2015.
- First National Bank of Liverpool (Charter 8326) (1906-2018) (Merged into Juniata Valley Bank in Mifflintown Apr 30, 2018)
Official Bank Title(s)
1: The Juniata Valley National Bank of Mifflintown, PA
Bank Note Types Issued
A total of $1,319,690 in National Bank Notes was issued by this bank between 1898 and 1935. This consisted of a total of 159,405 notes (130,812 large size and 28,593 small size notes).
This bank issued the following Types and Denominations of bank notes:
Series/Type Sheet/Denoms Serial#s Sheet Comments 1882 Brown Back 4x5 1 - 1000 1882 Brown Back 3x10-20 1 - 4600 1882 Date Back 4x5 1 - 4700 1882 Date Back 3x10-20 1 - 3040 1882 Value Back 4x5 4701 - 6400 1882 Value Back 3x10-20 3041 - 4020 1902 Plain Back 4x5 1 - 10570 1902 Plain Back 3x10-20 1 - 6113 1929 Type 1 6x5 1 - 2420 1929 Type 1 6x10 1 - 1364 1929 Type 1 6x20 1 - 308 286 Not issued 1929 Type 2 5 1 - 2354 1929 Type 2 10 1 - 1315 1929 Type 2 20 1 - 372
Bank Presidents and Cashiers
Bank Presidents and Cashiers during the National Bank Note Era (1898 - 1936):
- Louis Evans Atkinson, 1899-1900 NOTE: a featured biography is available
- Louis Evans Atkinson, 1902-1909
- James M. Nelson, 1910-1922
- Harry J. Shallenberger, 1923-1925
- George W. Wilson, 1926-1934
- Andrew Banks, 1935-1935
Other Bank Note Signers
- There are currently no known Vice President or Assistant Cashier bank note signers for this bank.
Wiki Links
- Juniata County Bank Note History
- Pennsylvania Bank Note History
- General information on Mifflintown (Wikipedia)
- General information on Juniata County (Wikipedia)
- General information on Pennsylvania (Wikipedia)
- Mifflintown, PA, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mifflintown,_Pennsylvania
- Don C. Kelly, National Bank Notes, A Guide with Prices. 6th Edition (Oxford, OH: The Paper Money Institute, 2008).
- Dean Oakes and John Hickman, Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes. 2nd Edition (Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1990).
- Banks & Bankers Historical Database (1782-1935), https://spmc.org/bank-note-history-project
- The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, PA, Thu., Jan. 24, 1861.
- Juniata Sentinel, Mifflinton, PA, Wed., Aug. 7, 1867.
- Juniata Sentinel and Republican, Mifflintown, PA, Wed., Jan. 21, 1880.
- Juniata Sentinel and Republican, Mifflintown, PA, Wed., Jan. 21, 1891.
- Juniata Sentinel and Republican, Mifflintown, PA, Wed., Mar. 30, 1898.
- Juniata Sentinel and Republican, Mifflintown, PA, Wed., Sep. 7, 1898.
- Juniata Sentinel and Republican, Mifflintown, PA, Wed., Nov. 9, 1898.
- Juniata Sentinel and Republican, Mifflintown, PA, Wed., Jan. 18, 1899.